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Best courses in Australia for International Students

Australia is proud on its culture of high quality of education. In fact, Australian universities always rank among the top universities. For instance, University of MelbourneUniversity of Sydney, and Swinburne University of Technology are among the top institutes worldwide. Hence, you would find the educational programs that are more jobs oriented and generate employment opportunities.

Bachelor in Accountancy:

Bachelor in Accountancy

One of the most demanding jobs in the Australian economy is for the post of accountant. That is why is among the top ten courses in Australia. After all, every company needs an accountant to take care of its financials and federal taxes. Additionally, the weekly and monthly reports help the owner to take informed decisions vis a vis competitors. This is one of the best courses in Australia for International students.

Either you choose a diploma or a bachelor degree, if your skill set are up to the mark then, you wouldn’t take much time to embark upon a rewarding career.

The following job options are available to an accounting graduate:-

  • External auditor,
  • Forensic accountant
  • Tax accountant
  • Data Analyst
  • Banker

For your information, the average salary for an accountant in Australia is around $88,000. Generally, a qualified junior starts at $70,000, while, a senior accountant earns around $109,000 per year. Moreover, the average salary for a forensic accountant or auditor is around $82,000 which is pretty cool.

Bachelor in Applied finance:

This is one of the most sought after professions in Australia. Therefore, a degree, diploma or certificate will will equip you with comprehensive corporate finance and investment management skills. With the ability to help organizations create value, invest wisely and control risk, you’ll find yourself in demand across the globe. Hence, this is one of the best courses in Australia for International students.

This course is suitable for candidates interested in:

  • financial markets, organizations and instruments
  • international financial sector
  • financial systems

Career Opportunities

The universities in Australia are well aware of the challenges and therefore provide all necessary class as well as field knowledge. After completion, a student has an option to choose from the careers like:

  • Management consultant
  • Financial adviser or analyst
  • Financial economist
  • Market analyst
  • Policy analyst

Bachelor of Pharmacy:

Then, Bachelor of Pharmaceutics in Australia equips students with the skills of science behind preparation, process, production, and marketing of medicine and drugs. B Pharmacy in Australia also provides experimental knowledge of pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, antimicrobial chemotherapy, and pharmacotherapy. This is one of the best courses in Australia for International students.

Bachelor of Pharmacy in Australia is a three-four years academic program of high employability rate in Australia and all over the world. Thus, Australian Bachelor degree in Pharmacy provides in-depth knowledge of theoretical, practical, and clinical aspects of pharmacy.

Bachelor in Actuarial Studies:

If your passion is mathematics and you love to apply it to the financial world, then, a degree in actuarial science will give you amazing job possibilities. Actuarial science deals with the risk management in finance, Insurance and banking sector. An international student may pursue bachelor or master degree according to their current academic level.

Undoubtedly, a career in this field is hard to beat and highly desirable. In fact, Actuaries are business professionals who analyze the financial consequences of risk. Organizations, like banking and insurance firms, consistently rate being an actuary as one of the best jobs in Australia. This is based upon parameters such as work environment, job security, employment outlook, growth opportunity, and salary.

Bachelor in Agriculture Science:

Bachelor in Agriculture Science

As per the Australian employment report, Graduates with a degree in agriculture are highly sought after in Australia, with an employment rate of over 92 per cent.

So, if you have a drive to harness natural processes to sustainably feed our growing population, improve natural resource management and contribute to Australia’s growing agricultural industry, degree in Agriculture science is an ideal choice.

After successful completion of bachelor or master degree program number of job opportunities are available that include:

  • Sustainable agriculture project manager
  • Digital Agriculture scientist
  • Agronomist
  • Sales and marketing
  • Agriculture Consultants

Bachelor of Business Studies:

Bachelor of Business Studies

This is one of the most popular and most sought after course by international students in Australia. The students of all the three streams namely, commerce, Science or humanities have high preference for this course. This three year course comes with number of majors such as accountancy, finance, sales and marketing.

So, this business course makes you ready to work in many sectors, from health and retail, to marketing and events. You may tailor the course to your interests and career goals, choosing from eight majors on offer. Thus, nurture your entrepreneurial spirit whilst developing your soft skills, including communication, teamwork, and problem solving.

There are many opportunities to enrich your studies with practical experience, both in Australia and in your local country. Additionally, you always have the opportunity to gain a global perspective of business with an international study tour.

Law and Para legal Studies in Australia

Next, legal and paralegal profession course is worth pursuing in Australia. In fact, Paralegals perform legal-, regulatory- and business-related research for lawyers working at their organization. Thus, most of the time, paralegals work for law offices, corporations’ legal departments or even for courts.  In addition to that, these professionals also offer legal support services to attorneys.

The job opportunities after completion of this course are aplenty. As per the Australian bureau, the average wage a paralegal is paid is $39 per hours or about 76,000 per annum.

Core Engineering:

Irrespective of time, place or location, core engineering is an evergreen academic course with ever increasing job prospects. Along with the development in the field of IT sector, manufacturing and mechanical engineering remain relevant. Likewise, same goes with electrical and electronic engineering. This is one of the best courses in Australia for International students.

The Engineering program at the universities there has been developed with industry to equip you with the skills to succeed in your future careers. Of course, the course is built upon three core principles: Relevance, Integration and Excellence. Therefore, core engineering in Australia is relevant to the contemporary world of engineering, integrates knowledge, technical capability and practical skills to create exceptional graduates.

This is a four year degree program in which,  you would graduate as an industry-ready engineer specializing in your choice of Chemical,  Electrical and Electronic ,Automation and Robotics, Biomedical, Civil,  Environmental, Mechanical, Mining or Software engineering.

IT and CS Studies:

IT and CS Studies

Undoubtedly, IT and CS has become the backbone of any industry. No part of business or manufacturing industry has remained untouched. As there are large number of IT courses with varying majors, so is the demand for these professionals. International students who wish to study

IT courses has variety of options:

  • Bachelor of Information and Technology
  • Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Bachelor of computing and Cyber Security
  • Bachelor of Software Engineering
  • Bachelor of Computer System and networking

Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science:

This is a new age course in a multi-million dollar business. The graduate of this course would learn how to apply knowledge and skills in exercise and sport science to improve the performance, health and participation of individuals, athletes and teams. This is one of the best courses in Australia for International students.

It will further facilitate in developing the skills to become a professional leader in exercise and sport science and allied fields, with a focus on the biological, sociological and behavioral bases of exercise and sport science.

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